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Maternity Nurse
24 hour Baby Care
£200 single baby
£230 twins
Night Nanny 
£150/night single baby
£165/night twins

A night nanny will arrive at your home at 9pm and sit down and discuss your baby, what sort of a day you have had and your requirements for the night ahead. Once you have shown your night nanny around, you are then free to go to bed whilst your night nanny takes care of the night feeds and your baby. Your night nanny will rest whilst your baby sleeps so please provide a bed or sofa and duvet. Your night nanny will then leave at 7am having handed baby over and reported back on the night, and sterilise any bottles necessary before she leaves.

A maternity nurse will arrive in your home and stay for 24 hours, for as many days as needed. Your maternity nurse will show you how to care for your baby, create good sleep associations and also how to establish breastfeeding and bottle feeding. Your maternity nurse will spend the nights with your baby whilst you rest and the days helping you gain confidence in caring for your new arrival. Your maternity nurse will require a room to base herself in and a break each 24 hours of 2 hours, to be agreed upon arrival.

Night Nannies and Maternity Agency with a difference!








0330 6600 204

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